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Final Standings! *Prize winners must contact the organiser with payment details.

1st [£100]: GM Eldar Gasanov (11/14)
2nd [£60]: Livio Cancedda-Dupuis (10.5/14)
Tied 3rd [£40 + £20 = 60/3 = £20 each]: Daniel Johnson / FM Miguel Senlle Caride / Connor Clarke (10/14)
Tied Rating Prize [£30/2 = £15 each]: Branko Bijeljic / Savin Dias.

*PGNs for boards 1-10 available to download below!

IV Mindsports International Festival 2024 - 2nd FIDE Blitz (23rd July)

Last update 24.07.2024 02:17:34, Creator/Last Upload: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 170)

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Starting rank

1GMEldar Gasanov14104466UKR2474
2FMMiguel Senlle Caride2282500ESP2339
3CMStanley Badacsonyi486973ENG2306
4Daniel Johnson1721283SWE2271
5Edmond Andal5225752PHI2145
6FMJonathan Pein417092ENG2128
7Connor Clarke457655ENG2116
8Zain Patel469246ENG2063
9Matthew Dignam2501422IRL2052
10Livio Cancedda-Dupuis499447ENG2000
11Rodney J Nixon404500IRL1995
12Billy Fellowes483540ENG1988
13CMPeter Finn432156ENG1980
14Charles Chakanyuka11000341ZIM1978
15Ilia Malinovskii24146374ENG1978
16Oscar Pollack429414ENG1958
17Eldar Alizada464104ENG1929
18Gregory Jacques Konyakhin-Borrelly55663540FID1929
19Branko Bijeljic343413250ENG1924
20Ben Keohane433950ENG1919
21Raman Vashisht-Pigem469734ENG1878
22AFMLiam Clery343402879ENG1877
23Savin Dias442399ENG1872
24Mohammad Hossein Mozaffari22592571IRI1872
25Jonathan Rubeck435678ENG1869
26Avyukt Dasgupta480630ENG1862
27Denis K Dupuis452980ENG1860
28Pierre Amoros36023280FRA1843
29Vishnu Kirupakaran443492ENG1842
30Yui Tsao6001114HKG1827
31Gregory Mostyn450570ENG1771
32Sergei Lushkin33200130FID1760
33Ali Imam-Sadeque343422500ENG1759
34Hooman Honarvarmahalati42751403IRI1741
35Roman Zadvorny343436315ENG1722
36Vineet Sood343111543ENG1713
37Lev Razhnou13530119FID1707
38Emil Jacobsen Jamil7204183FAI1674
39Ruwan Dias64300960ENG1658
40Maximo Pollack460974ENG1655
41Mykola Solodko34119019UKR1653
42AFMMatias Estrada39909689USA1647
43Oskar Jacobsen Jamil7204191FAI1584
44ACMGautam Sriram498491ENG1572
45Daniel Dupuis343410529ENG1519
46Adit Ponsudhahar492663ENG1498
47Gujarathi Aarav33468052IND1468
48Aryna Razhnova13534831FID1466
49Charlotte Oudet343424694ENG1407